Saturday, December 26, 2009

I seem to have had an allergic reaction to Oil of Olay night cream. What should I do expect the obvious?

discontinue useI seem to have had an allergic reaction to Oil of Olay night cream. What should I do expect the obvious?
That's the best thing to do. The symptoms should go away soon. Perhaps increasing your fluid intake may help get rid of it from your system. An antihystamine should also help. Otherwise, just leave it be and it'll go away by itself as long as you don't use the night cream any more.I seem to have had an allergic reaction to Oil of Olay night cream. What should I do expect the obvious?
I got a reaction from using Oil of Olay Regeneris but I've been fine for years with their moisturizer. There may be certain ingredients in the various formulas that we have a sensitivity to. Report Abuse

Take benyadrl (sp) to help with the itching
Yes, you should expect the obvious but you should also note what chemicals are in it because you should be wary for any cosmetics that contain it. If you begin to swell, you should take a Benadryl and you should be fine. Good luck!!!
Of course stop using it, but if you have a rash try applying hydrocortisone cream to the area, or take some benadryl if you have any itching.
Everyone is right. I have to be careful of ingredients. I am really allergic to any form of chemical sunscreen--which has several forms and names. I read everything because this ingredient is in shampoos, lotions, etc. I cannot use it. I would also look into the idea that you may have sensitive skin and be careful with all products. I would not use anything new until it is all cleared up. There are some really good aloe based products out there that help the skin. I would recommend finding something that way. Good luck.
what else?

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