Saturday, December 26, 2009

Eating ice cream the night before a cross country meet?

My friends and I are all going to go out for ice cream in an hour. And I have a cross country race tommorow (5k). Will having an ice cream cone make me slower tommorow?Eating ice cream the night before a cross country meet?
Team tradition!!! Haha....That's what my team normally does the night before a race. Doesn't seem to effect us, since we're second in state.Eating ice cream the night before a cross country meet?
Depends on how much you eat.

Ice cream is pretty much milk and milk is great to drink before a race. But Ice cream also has things that Milk doesn't. It will be risky. I could be helpful but I don't recommend it.
No effect whatsoever
I do not recommend it. It may cause an upset stomach and phlegm.
definitely not.

in fact i just finished a bowl of moose tracks

and i have a huge hill workout tomorrow morning
Probably not. Just dont eat too much.
no. it has protein so that's good. just eat fruit and carbs for breakfast and you'll be fine. =]
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