Friday, January 8, 2010

I am a man and want to get rid of big pores.Should i stop using vitamin e cream at night to let my skinbreathe

Seems like I have so many blackheads and skin tone doesnt look nice to me. Maybe chemical peels? What do you think about online ordering? Microdermabrasian? Im lost please help.I am a man and want to get rid of big pores.Should i stop using vitamin e cream at night to let my skinbreathe
OK lets start with ';skin tone doesn't look nice to me.'; Do you mean its uneven, blotchy, patchy? Or you feel its too light or dark or a 'different' colour? example eating excessive carrots can give one an orange hue, personal experience.

Big pores cannot actually be made smaller. they can be made to appear smaller though! Using pore minimizing face washes and creams will help, neutrogena makes a good pore minimizer line with alpha and beta hydroxy. Then their pore minimizer lotion is great too it gives skin a matte (non-shiny) finish so pores look smaller. Micro dermabrasion is great I do every now and then at home, but weekly exfoliation is just as good find a nice scratchy facial scrub but avoid ones that use things like crushed walnut or other organic stuff as it has irregular borders that can cause scratching. Make sure to use sun block with the alpha hydroxy products they can cause initial redness too so don't be alarmed but if its uncomfortable stop using it. Your vitamin e cream, is it formulated for the face? does it say it does not clog pores non-comodegenic? (sp?) you could try switching brands or something with a lighter consistency. Good luck also do not use products with any form of alcohol in the ingredients list this is difficult to do but almay and neutrogena are ones i found.

* I use this stuff on my husband also he has large black head prone pores too, particularly around his nose. Those biore extra strenght blackhead remover strips are quite handy for that too as mentioned previosly and if you have oily skin as I imagine you do charcoal base dproducts are good too.I am a man and want to get rid of big pores.Should i stop using vitamin e cream at night to let my skinbreathe
Hi! The first thing i can say is don麓t get sad. I have learned that the skin responds worse when you overclean it, so use very soft soap, you can wash your face in the morning and at night with a gel soap hipoalergenic. Take a little piece of cotton and wet it and wet your face too. Better if cold water. Then put the gel in the cotton and wash your face very very sotfly, then rinse and dry with a clean towel. Use a special one only for your face.

Then use a very soft moisturer (not greasy cream) and that麓s all.

I recommend too the nose cleaning bands (those that peels off). Hope you get better. (Sorry about my english, I麓m from Mexico)
well, maybe youre using the wrong shaving cream? i use edge and its great!
I thought you said you're a man. Try soap and water, that's what real men use. Use aftershave with lots of alcohol in it, too.

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